Fioretti College Veghel

Echo Mountain lessenreeks

Echo Mountain 
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo gLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 113 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 1 min

Items in this lesson

Echo Mountain 

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Class novel
The first novel we'll read during this school year will be Lauren Wolk's historical fiction Echo Mountain. Reading the back blurb reveals the general storyline of the novel. 

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By the time our first mountain winter came, we had a snug, safe home where we could start again. But that was before my father's accident changed everything. 

When Ellie sets out to find a cure for her father, she discovers Cate, the outcast witch, and Larkin, a wild mountain boy. From them she learns about being a healer, being brave - and about how there can be much more to a person than first meets the eye.

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General Objectives (leerdoelen)
Deze lessenserie is erop gericht jullie leesvaardigheid m.b.v. fictie te bevorderen. De verschillende aspecten van leesvaardigheid komen terug in de lessenreeks d.m.v. theoretische oefeningen en praktische oefeningen.  

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Specific Objectives (leerdoelen)
Aan het eind van deze lessenreeks kun je gebruik maken van de zes leesstrategieën* van begrijpend lezen om het Engels verhaal Echo Mountain te doorgronden. 
Aan het eind van deze lessenreeks heb je een persoonlijke leesvoorkeur gevormd en toegelicht in een leesgesprek met jouw docent.
Aan het eind van deze lessenreeks heb je jouw woordenschat vergroot met 35 woorden afkomstig uit het verhaal Echo Mountain


*Voorspellen, vragen stellen, visualiseren, verbinden, afleiden, samenvatten (VVVVAS)

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What makes it historical fiction?
Author & Setting

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1:  Lesson series focused on reading comprehension
2: The series will span ~15 lessons, depending on our reading time.
3: You will increase your productive vocabulary with 35 words.
4: Reading preference conversation with your teacher as a concluding activity.

Any questions?

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Lesson 1 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 1-3

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 1-5.
Flicker (to)

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 1-5.
Carve (to)
Lurch (to)

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 1

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Lesson 2 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

It is impossible to know or understand somebody based on their physical appearance alone.

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We'll now read chapters 6-10

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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Evaluate: How well did you comprehend the chapters we've read today?

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End of lesson 2

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Lesson 3 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 11-15

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 9-15.
Drown (to)
Obey (to)

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 9-15.
Nod (to)

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 3

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Lesson 4 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

It’s important to speak up if you have been blamed for something you didn’t do.

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We'll now read chapters 16-20

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 4

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Lesson 5 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 21-25

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 21-25

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 21-25
Fisher cat
Marter (pekan)
Burn (to)
Sigh (to)

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 5

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Lesson 6 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

People who build their own homes, own the land around the home, too. 

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We'll now read chapters 26-30

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 6

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Lesson 7 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 31-35

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 31-35
Shout (to)

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 31-35
Brew (to)

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 7

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Lesson 8 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Sometimes it is more important to be kind than to be right.

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We'll now read chapters 36-40

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 8

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Lesson 9 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 41-45

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 41-45
Marry (to)
Gaze (to)

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 41-45
Glance (to)
(een) Blik (werpen)

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 9

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Lesson 10 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Grief can cause people to act in unexpected ways.

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We'll now read chapters 46-50

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 10

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Lesson 11 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 51-55

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 51-55. This time, you decide on the words yourself.

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 51-55

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 11

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Lesson 12 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

You should never lie about something or withhold information.

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We'll now read chapters 56-60

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 12

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Lesson 13 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 61-65

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 61-65. This time, you decide on the words yourself.

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 61-65. This time, you decide on the words yourself.

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 13

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Lesson 14 - Echo Mountain

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Pre-reading activity
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Intelligence, abilities and talents are unchangeable and inherently stable. You either have them, or you don't. 

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We'll now read chapters 66-70

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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During-reading activities
Predict: How do you think the story will continue?
Question: Five W's (who, what, why, when, where)
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: Think about new ideas, words, knowledge that you've seen in this novel and connect those to what you already know.
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the story? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 14

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Lesson 15 - Echo Mountain

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We'll now read chapters 71-73

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Let's begin reading
Let's begin reading

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Individual activity: Translate the following words, found in chapters 71-73. This time, you decide on the words yourself.

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During-reading activities
Predict: What do you think Ellie has learnt from her journey during this novel?
Question: In groups of three, come up with three questions for the author.
Visualise: What do you think the surroundings are like now? Also, think about the appearances of the characters in the novel.
Connect: So, is Ellie a heroine? Discuss in groups of three and present your findings: Why or why not?
Infer: What can you infer (afleiden) from the ending? Can you infer the meaning of words you don't know by looking at the context?
Summarise: Write down the most important thing that happened during our last reading session. A summary always includes the main events and uses keywords from your notes.

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End of lesson 15

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After-reading activity
It's time for a quiz. Make sure to answer according to the novel we've finished reading over the course of ~15 lessons.

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Why does Ellie's family move to the mountain? How is their life similar and different from what it used to be?

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What happened to Ellie's dad? Explain how this impacted the family and their relationships with each other.

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Why does Ellie accept the blame for her dad's accident even though it wasn't her fault? Have you ever taken the blame for something you didn't do? Explain..

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Who is "The Hag"? Why does she choose to live on the mountain? How do people view her over time? Do you think their judgments are fair? Why or why not?

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What did Ellie name the top of the mountain? Why?

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After reading
What Makes a Hero TED-Ed Talk:

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Je voert een leesgesprek met jouw docent waarin je een korte samenvatting* geeft van het verhaal en de 'reis' die Ellie doorgemaakt heeft. Ten slotte leg je uit wat dit verhaal heeft gedaan met jouw leesvoorkeuren. 

*Neem jouw persoonlijke idioomlijst van 35 woorden ook mee. Deze geldt als GO voor het leesgesprek.

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